Seven Days in Western Sicily

Last update 01.07.2023


An actionable seven-day plan to go around Sicily West Coast with the knowledge of a local. Palermo and its culture, the beautiful beaches of the Trapani province, the beauty of the Sicilian Zingaro Nature Reserve will leave you just speechless. Should you go for a road trip in Sicily, with our ebook you will have a plan at hand about all you need to do and know about West Sicily in the area among Palermo, Cefalù and Trapani. With our Sicily travel tips you will be ready to take your flight and experience the best of Sicily tours. We promise, once back you will have many stories to tell about your Sicily vacation!

In this ebook you will discover Palermo rich history, various architecture, bustling streets markets, and delicious cuisine. San Vito lo Capo, by far the best beach in Sicily with its fine, white sand will add some relax to your beach holiday! If you want to stay far from the crowd, follow our tips and sleep with your camper at the Macari Bay to sleep under the stars and wake up with the sea in front of your eyes. The great sunset view at Erice or the lively restaurants scene of Trapani will make your Sicilian holidays memorable if you follow the travel ideas contained in this Sicily week itinerary ebook.

With our ebook travel guide about 7 days in Western Sicily, you will have already an itinerary for a week of beach, nature, art, and great local experiences without you doing a long research. We show you the places with interactive maps of Sicily, to get you inspired. Don’t miss then our recommendations on the best places to eat and drink in Sicily, as well as many tested accommodation options for your one week in Sicily.


Palermo City, Mondello beach, Monreale, Capo Gallo Nature Reserve, Sferracavallo, Cefalù, Isola delle Femmine beach, Scopello, Zingaro Nature Reserve, San Vito lo Capo beach, Macari Bay, Monte Cofano Nature Reserve, Erice, Trapani and its iconic windmills


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Seven Days in Western Sicily


It is, but you would need to find your focus. You could easily spend 2 or 3 weeks in Sicily to visit the whole island, but most of us do not have all that free time. This is why 1 week in Sicily is a good start, and the best would be to either focus on Western Sicily or Eastern Sicily. For example, 7 days in Sicily starting in Palermo is a very good option, which will allow you to visit Sicily capital, dive into its cultural scene and discover the beauty of Nature around Palermo and Trapani Province.


For your Sicily 1 week itinerary, you might want to combine Palermo and Cefalù to discover the Arab-Norman UNESCO heritage of Sicily and some of the most beautiful beach in Sicily. It is worth mentioning the Mondello beach in Palermo, the iconic beach that every Italian would recognize, or the sandy beach along the coast of Cefalù with its picturesque anglers’ houses.


Cefalù is definitely a must-see town of your  Sicily travel itinerary if you are planning to spend one week in Western Sicily. It is easily reachable from Palermo by car or by train in one hour, making this destination a stress-free one as well as a sustainable choice if you travel by train in Sicily. In our ebooks we mark whenever a recommended destination is reachable by train in Sicily.


Three distinctive things make Cefalù memorable. The Arab-Normal medieval Cathedral and its mosaics, the massive mountain behind the village and the town sandy beach. No surprise, this town beach was chosen as one of the locations to film the White Lotus 2 Series in Sicily. Therefore, Cefalù remains a must-see destination for your one week Sicily itinerary.


Yes, and one of the most iconic ones. The coastline around Cefalù is a very beautiful one, but it tends not to be easily accessible. This is why the town beach is the easiest and stress-free solution if you are staying overnight in Cefalù as part of your 7 days Sicily itinerary. The beach is long, and it features turquoise waters. It tends to be quite crowded in summer time especially in July and August, hence if you have the chance to go before or after you will enjoy it at most. Otherwise, make sure you reserve a first row umbrella at one of the many beach clubs.


The town is quite compact and flat, therefore very walkable for everyone. In this ebook travel guide we provide the perfect walking tour in Cefalù with a step-by-step Google Maps itinerary with all the major attractions in town. How does it work? You purchase the ebook, you go to the Cefalù page of our recommended Sicily one week itinerary and you click on the icon of the walking tour. And what is left to do is to follow that with your smartphone, at the pace you want and whenever you want. This is how our travel guidebooks empower you making most out of your time in Sicily.


From one romantic weekend in Sicily to four weeks doing workation/remote work, you will always have something to do in Sicily and plenty of unique experiences to try. Are you a Nature lover? If so, get to the Zingaro Nature Reserve in Sicily and get surprised with how beautiful and untouched Nature can be in Sicily. A trekking along the Zingaro paths with a mind-blowing view over the sea will make your Sicily trip sporty and sun kissed. Follow our Google Maps itineraries for the best hiking routes along the coast.


West Sicily has by far the best beaches in Sicily. Whether those are the beaches near Palermo, or the San Vito lo Capo and Trapani beaches, it’s a matter of taste and preferences. However, should you want to visit Western Sicily having in mind a beach holiday you are totally on the right track.


This is quite a common question. Is a week in Sicily enough to visit the Island? The answer it simple. It is enough to see some parts of the island, but not everything. Keep in mind that Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and the largest Italian region by land area. Therefore, for your seven days in Sicily itinerary you would need to make a choice, but you won’t make it alone. We help you finding the right destinations in Sicily for the time that you will spend in Sicily. Consult all our travel ebooks and pick the one that suites best your preferences.


Sicily is definitely one the most untouched regions in Italy. Whether it’s about the coastline or the inland rugged mountains, you will always find places which have not been impacted by human settlements. You just need to know what those places are. Discover Sicily nature with our travel guidebooks where we recommend the best Nature Reserves in Sicily. In the ebook Seven Days in Western Sicily we included the Zingaro Park Sicily as well as the Monte Cofano and the Capo Gallo Nature Reserve Sicily.


The Zingaro Sicily Nature Reserve cannot be missed during your Nature in Sicily tour. The Zingaro Reserve was the first Nature Reserved to be established in Sicily, and this prevented any form of urbanization to affect Nature here. This is why the only way to visit and move inside it is either trekking, donkey back riding or by boat. In our travel ebooks we recommend what are the best entrances and the car parks to consider when visiting the Zingaro Nature Park and its hidden beaches.


Everyone has a different travelling style, different preferences on how the holidays should look like. There are those who like the freedom of driving and discovering new places with a Sicily road trip in 7 days or more. There are those who visit Sicily with friends and those who discover the island with local experts, such as the providers we have selected for our exclusive Sicily guided tours. Whatever your style is, if you are curious to see how we can help you with custom-made travel plans, one of our expert will be happy to talk to you and propose the best Sicily holidays tours.

What our users say

Esther Mondlak Maya
Esther Mondlak Maya
Teníamos en mente un recorrido por Sicilia, pero necesitábamos ayuda para aterrizar el plan en el lugar. Queríamos visitar tanto la parte oeste como la parte del este de la isla y un par de lugares al norte y al sur. Mucho territorio por recorrer. Buscando algún operador local, Time for Sicily apareció en la web. Encontramos en esa compañía exactamente lo que necesitábamos: asesores de viaje nacidos en Sicilia y amantes y conocedores de su lugar natal. Aparte de ofrecer guías digitales para hacer el viaje por cuenta propia, ofrecían también otra opción: ayuda para diseñar un recorrido a la medida y para la organización de los detalles. Time for Sicily rebasó en todo momento nuestras expectativas: en cuanto al itinerario, nos ayudaron a refinar el plan que teníamos. Tuvieron un excelente oído para escuchar gustos y necesidades y hacer los ajustes entre todo ello y el presupuesto. En distintos momentos de la preparación intervinieron con el consejo adecuado para esquivar dificultades con aerolíneas, evitaron que traslapáramos lugares donde veríamos cosas parecidas y mejor hicieron sugerencias sobre lo que no debíamos de perdernos, escuchando siempre nuestras preferencias. Nos ofrecieron opciones de hospedaje para cada lugar, lugares siempre bien localizados dentro de presupuesto. Visitamos cada ciudad con guías locales con los que Time for Sicily trabaja, guías con preparación académica que hicieron una enorme diferencia en nuestra apreciación de los lugares. Nos proveyeron de transportación con compañías confiables, sugerencias y reservaciones en restaurantes, recomendaciones de vuelos y mucho más. En algún momento intentamos por nuestra cuenta comprar, sin éxito, boletos para una función de teatro griego en Siracusa. No lo logramos hacer por la página del INDA en internet. En Time for Sicily los compraron por nosotros. Estuvieron pendientes acompañando cada detalle tanto en la etapa de preparación como durante el transcurso del viaje y en todo momento en comunicación por Whatsapp. El trabajo que realizaron en Time for Sicily, tanto Paola como Francesco, fue impecable en todos sentidos. ¡Necesitaríamos una Paola y un Francesco para visitar cada parte del mundo! Si uno desea viajar a Sicilia (y pronto a Roma, están creciendo) sin contratiempos —cada elección hecha con todo cuidado— no dudamos en recomendar a Time for Sicily.
sebastiano piraino
sebastiano piraino
I tried the tailor-made travel planning & concierge service in Eastern Sicily and I loved the end-to-end coordination offered by our travel consultant. From understanding me and my girlfriend's preferences to sourcing the best hotels, as well as tailored guided tours and sport experiences for us! We had an hassle-free trip with a private transfer service and we loved the driver Time for Sicily recommended. This was really a luxury travel experience in Sicily with the travel consultant always supporting us also when on site with questions and changes to the plan. Totally recommended, and we will go back next year, this time to Western Sicily!
Reina Pardo
Reina Pardo
Increiblemente formidable!!! mi mejor experiencia de viaje !
Zakie Smeke
Zakie Smeke
We love and enjoy this trip for the beauty of Sicily, but also for the guide an organization. Francesco and Paola did a great job, they provided us whit all the details of hotels and food to have a very smooth stay, thanks a lot to them.
Adrien Butty
Adrien Butty
The support we received in preparing our trip and the tailor-made travel documentation were really great! We appreciated at most how Francesco understood our wishes and was able to propose a great plan for us! It saved a lot of time in our preparation and we saw places we would probably not have thought about.
Els seus serveis són simplement excepcionals. Des del moment que entres en contacte amb ells, es nota la seva passió per crear experiències úniques. Les seves guies són meticulosament planificades per adaptar-se als teus interessos i desitjos, garantint que cada moment del teu viatge sigui inoblidable. El seu coneixement profund dels destins i la seva habilitat per descobrir llocs poc coneguts et portaran a llocs que mai hauries imaginat. 100% recomendable!
Anna Doro
Anna Doro
Non una semplice guida, ma un vero e proprio catalogo di esperienze (culturali e non solo) compilato da chi conosce e ama la bellissima Sicilia. Pratica da consultare anche sul vostro telefono! Assolutamente raccomandata!
Luca Emanuele Ricci
Luca Emanuele Ricci
Fantastica guida, tanti ottimi suggerimenti per il nostro weekend a Palermo. La guida è strutturata secondo un ipotetico tour, quindi vi consente di seguire un percorso razionale e risparmiare tempo. Non solo luoghi da visitare, ma anche posti per bere e mangiare. Il tutto interattivo! Consigliata
Antonio Toma
Antonio Toma
Le guide di viaggio digitali ci sono state utilissime per l'organizzazione della vacanza in famiglia. La selezione di hotel e ristoranti consigliati ci ha permesso di organizzare il tour perfetto in pochissimo tempo e con il concierge service, Time for Sicily ci ha risparmiato le interazioni con l'hotel e ci ha trovato la soluzione giusta per una vacanza con le bambine. GRAZIE Time For Sicily, definitely worth it!!!!!!
Carolina Gracia
Carolina Gracia
Excelente servicio! Contacté al equipo de Time for Sicily para pedir sugerencias sobre excursiones al Etna, así como para visitar plantaciones de pistachios. Las recomendaciones fueron muy exhaustivas y detalladas además de gran ayuda especialmente para contactar con las plantaciones de pistachio. El ebook fue también de mucha utilidad para conocer otras partes menos turísticas de Sicilia. Servicio totalmente recomendable!
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